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NLP Diploma Assignment 5/5 (1)

NLP Diploma Assignment

My assignment will include the following elements of NLP:
1) Primary and Lead Representational System (the difference ways students/people learn)
2) Ecology Frame
Primary and Lead Representational Systems, they’re broken down into five elements. These are as follows:
– Visual
– Auditory
– Kinesthetic
– Auditory Digital
– Olfactory & Gustatory
For a person, of whom, has a visual learner style. A few examples of how they learn, are as follows:
– Memorise things by seeing pictures/photographs;
– Learn by using visual aids, wipeboards, as presentations, graphs, charts etc…

Visual learners, who prefer to process information through visual aids and images, often use phrases that reflect their preferred learning style. Here are some phrases that visual learners might commonly use:
1. “I see what you mean.”
2. “Can you show me?”
3. “Let me get a clear picture of that.”
4. “I need to visualize it to understand.”
5. “Show me the diagram/chart/graph.”
6. “It looks clear to me.”
7. “I need a visual representation.”
8. “I can picture it in my mind.”
9. “I remember the image of the concept.”
10. “It’s not clear until I can see it.”
11. “Let me draw it out to understand better.”
12. “I’ll create a mind map to organize my thoughts.”
13. “I need to see the big picture.”
14. “Can you draw a diagram for me?”
15. “I like to use color-coded notes.”
16. “I’ll make a visual timeline to remember the sequence.”
17. “It’s like connecting the dots in my head.”
18. “The visual aspect helps me grasp the concept faster.”
19. “I learn best through images and visuals.”
20. “I’ll create a storyboard to explain my idea.”

These phrases highlight a preference for visual stimuli and a reliance on images, charts, diagrams, and other visual aids to enhance understanding and retention of information.

A person with this learning style learns best by the following methods:
– Listening through headphones to a college/university lecture after the event. This ensures no distraction from background noise;
– Tonally is key to learning the teacher/educator needs to speak clearly in order for the student to pick up his/her tone
Auditory learners process information best through listening and verbal communication. They often use phrases that indicate their preference for spoken words and sounds. Here are some phrases that auditory learners might commonly use:
1. “I hear what you’re saying.”
2. “Tell me more about it.”
3. “Can you explain it verbally?”
4. “Let’s talk through this.”
5. “I need to hear it to understand.”
6. “That sounds right to me.”
7. “I’ll remember the details through the discussion.”
8. “Could you repeat that?”
9. “I’ll listen to a podcast or lecture on the topic.”
10. “Let me talk it out to make sense of it.”
11. “I learn best through discussions.”
12. “The lecture really helped me grasp the concept.”
13. “I’ll record the information and listen later.”
14. “I need to hear the instructions to follow them.”
15. “The tone of voice is important for understanding.”
16. “I’ll read aloud to remember better.”
17. “Listening to music helps me concentrate.”
18. “Can you speak slower so I can absorb the information?”
19. “I enjoy learning through audiobooks.”
20. **”I remember things better when I hear them.”


These phrases reflect a reliance on spoken words, discussions, and auditory input as effective means of learning and understanding for auditory learners.


This learning style of a student/person learns best by teaching the following method

– This person would learn better in a ‘hands on environment’ they like to feel a product and/or feel part of a process
– On the job training would suit this type of learning style
– On a training course, using physical aims and practical assessments

Kinesthetic learners learn best through hands-on experiences and physical activities. They prefer to engage in activities that involve movement and touch. Here are some phrases that kinaesthetic learners might commonly use:
1. “I need to get hands-on with this.”
2. “Let me try it out for myself.”
3. “I learn better through doing.”
4. “Can I take a hands-on approach to this concept?”
5. “I need to feel it to understand.”
6. “Let’s do a practical demonstration.”
7. “I’ll remember it if I can physically engage with it.”
8. “Can I manipulate objects to learn this?”
9. “I’ll walk through the steps to understand.”
10. “I learn by physically interacting with the material.”
11. “Let’s use props or models to explain.”
12. “I prefer learning through activities and experiments.”
13. “I need to move around to stay focused.”
14. “Can we incorporate movement into the learning process?”
15. “I’ll build something to understand the concept.”
16. “I’ll take a hands-on workshop or training.”
17. “I remember things better when I can touch or feel them.”
18. “I’ll use gestures to remember key points.”
19. “I learn best through physical examples.”
20. **”Let’s do a role-play to understand the scenario.”

These phrases reflect a preference for physical engagement, movement, and tactile experiences as effective ways for kinaesthetic learners to absorb and retain information.

Auditory Digital:
This learning style fundamental characteristics are based upon the principle of ‘someone/something makes sense.’
– This type of learner can be identified by using internal dialogue;
– The person would like a clear way to proceed, that in all tense and purpose makes sense to this individual
Auditory digital learners prefer to process information internally through self-talk and mental organization. They often use inner dialogue and rely on reasoning and logic. Here are some phrases that auditory digital learners might commonly use:
1. “Let me think it through.”
2. “I need to process this in my mind.”
3. “I’ll talk myself through the steps.”
4. “I need to understand the logic behind it.”
5. “I’ll create a mental checklist.”
6. “I’ll analyze the information.”
7. “I need to make sense of it in my head.”
8. “I’ll think about it logically.”
9. “Let me internalize the concept.”
10. “I’ll create a mental map of the information.”
11. “I need to reason it out.”
12. “I’ll process the details internally.”
13. “I need to understand the principles behind it.”
14. “I’ll mentally organize the information.”
15. “I need to analyze the data.”
16. “I’ll use logical reasoning to solve the problem.”
17. “Let me conceptualize it in my mind.”
18. “I’ll create mental connections between the concepts.”
19. “I prefer to think it over before making a decision.”
20. **”I’ll mentally rehearse the steps.”

These phrases reflect a preference for internal processing, reasoning, and logical thinking as effective ways for auditory digital learners to understand and make sense of information.

Olfactory & Gustatory:
This learning style is using the sense of smell. The best of methods of teaching learners with this learning style:
– The person picks up the sense of environment and uses this sense to recall previous teaching;
– Tasting an actual product
Olfactory and gustatory learners are those who prefer to learn through their sense of smell (olfactory) and taste (gustatory). While these sensory preferences are less commonly emphasized in traditional educational settings, individuals with strong olfactory and gustatory preferences may still express their learning preferences in various ways. Here are some phrases that individuals with a preference for olfactory and gustatory learning might use:
Olfactory Learners:
1. “I remember it by the smell.”
2. “Can we incorporate scents into the learning environment?”
3. “I recall information when there’s a specific scent associated with it.”
4. “I learn best when there’s a distinct smell in the surroundings.”
5. “I need to smell it to understand and remember.”
6. “A particular scent triggers my memory of the concept.”
7. “Let me associate this with a specific fragrance to remember it better.”
8. “I’ll use aromatherapy to enhance my focus while studying.”
9. “I remember events based on the scents present at the time.”
10. “The smell of certain materials helps me learn better.”
Gustatory Learners:
1. “I remember things by the taste associated with them.”
2. “Can we incorporate taste experiences into the learning process?”
3. “I learn better when I can taste and experience the information.”
4. “Let me associate this concept with a specific taste.”
5. “I need to taste it to fully grasp the idea.”
6. “The taste of certain foods helps me remember details.”
7. “I’ll try different flavours to make the learning experience more memorable.”
8. “I remember information based on the taste sensations involved.”
9. “Tasting different things while studying helps me retain information.”
10. “The taste of a particular food triggers my memory of the subject matter.”

It’s important to note that olfactory and gustatory learning preferences may not be as commonly acknowledged as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic preferences, and individuals may not always explicitly express these preferences in learning contexts.

Overall Review:
The three learning styles (Visual, Auditory & Kinaesthetic) are the mainstay of populations learning methodology. It is very important to evaluate the learning style of students/people when teaching/coaching. The two examples below highlight to need:
– One to one coaching/teaching
When teaching on an individual basis it is important to evaluate that person’s learning style at an early stage and adapt to their style. This will ensure you get the best results for each learner.
Identifying a learner’s preferred learning style is crucial for optimizing educational experiences and fostering effective comprehension. Individuals vary in how they absorb and retain information, and recognizing these preferences enhances the customization of teaching methods. For visual learners, incorporating visuals and diagrams aids understanding, while auditory learners benefit from verbal explanations and discussions. Kinesthetic learners thrive through hands-on activities, and auditory digital learners prefer logical reasoning. Acknowledging these diverse styles promotes engagement, motivation, and information retention. By tailoring instruction to match individual preferences, educators can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment, empowering students to grasp concepts more readily and succeed in their academic pursuits. Ultimately, understanding learning styles facilitates a more personalized and targeted approach to education, maximizing the potential for student achievement and lifelong learning.

The Ecology Frame
The ‘Present State’ is normally referred to as a “Problem State’ and by utilizing the resources available to someone enables the path to a ‘Desired State.’ This is the state where someone wants to be. It is also very important to have a clear understanding of what a person actually really wants. It’s also a key ingredient to remember the resources and strategies available from the past.
The main points within the ‘Ecology Frame’ is about asking the right questions, as an interviewer. This is to enable the interviewee to visualize their desired state and the thoughts and feelings associated to this state.

Effective questions within this process are as follows:
– Acknowledge the issue and/or challenge;
– Assume that a positive outcome is possible;
– Effective questions need to have a clear sense of purpose;
– Use open-ended questions;
– This type of questioning should provoke a creative response

The key message:
“At first, I see pictures of a story in mind. Then creating the story comes from asking questions of myself. I guess you might call it the ‘what if-what then’ approach to writing and illustration.”
– Chris Van Allsburg

The Ecology Frame, within the context of organizational behaviour and leadership, emphasizes the interconnectedness between individuals and their environment within a workplace. It adopts an ecological perspective, treating the organization as a complex ecosystem where various factors interact. This framework underscores the significance of understanding and managing the dynamic relationships among individuals, teams, and the broader organizational culture. Leaders employing the Ecology Frame prioritize creating a harmonious work environment that sustains both individual and collective well-being. They recognize the impact of organizational structures, policies, and leadership styles on the overall health of the workplace ecosystem.
In this frame, attention is given to the influence of external factors, such as market trends and societal changes, on the organization’s ecology. It encourages adaptability and responsiveness to external stimuli, fostering an organizational culture that can evolve and thrive in the face of challenges. Additionally, the Ecology Frame promotes sustainability, not only in terms of environmental impact but also in the nurturing of positive relationships, effective communication, and employee well-being.
Leaders leveraging the Ecology Frame appreciate the ripple effects of decisions and actions throughout the organization. This holistic perspective encourages a balance between individual needs and organizational goals, promoting a symbiotic relationship between employees and their work environment. In essence, the Ecology Frame offers a comprehensive lens through which leaders can navigate the complexities of organizational dynamics, fostering a resilient and thriving ecosystem for sustained success.


The Stupid Footballer is Dead – Paul McVeigh
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China, Teaching